It's Christmastime. I'm well aware of it, but all the kids in our families won't let me forget. With me having
70+ nieces and nephews--I stopped counting at 72 (that
does include the step fam) and with D having 7 of his own, we have frequent reminders that it's time to buy gifts. About 25 of them are under the age of 18, so we get emails and phonecalls all the time that go something like this:
"Uncle D! Aunt Tasha! I've been good all year. You know it's Christmas riiiiight? I'm really good at playing the bowling game on my friend's Wii. It would be nice to not have to play the game at their house. I could share it with my sisters/brothers/parents"
I don't know when it became okay to solicit gifts like that, and I've attempted to put the kids (AND their parents) in check, but since we're family we get it the worst.
But outside the family,
kids everyone is getting bold. Maybe it's that time of year or maybe people just need more home training. Here are some conversations I've had lately:
Conversation with my Jewish friend's 11 year old daughter while at their house for dinnerHer: So what are you going to get me for Christmas?
Me: Don't you celebrate Hanukkah?
Her: I'm an equal opportunity gift receiver. My mom taught me that.
Me: Do your mom and dad celebrate Christmas?
Her: Sure do. We're Jewish, but we have a Christmas tree. We don't do that birth of Jesus stuff. We just give gifts
Her mom: *looking horrified* TV. The kids see the stuff on TV so we don't want them to feel left out *chuckles*
Conversation with my 7 year old niece and her friend when they came to visitMe: Are you ready for Santa
Niece's Friend: Ms. Tasha, you are not keeping it real. There is no Santa.
Me: Oh really. What do you know about keeping things real
Niece: Yeah, I know it's fake. I watch the news.
Me: I still believe in Santa, because he lives in everyone
Niece: So we're Santa's representatives?
Me: Something like that.
Niece's Friend: You're really smart Ms. Tasha. Wow. She's Santa's rep-uh-sentive. You know what I'm gettin' this year?
Conversation with a grown ass man (one of my uncle's friends) just before ThanksgivingMan: *with that 'game' look in his eyes* What do you want for Christmas?
Me: A can of mace
Man: Damn it's like that huh?
Like my mother would say: "Come get yo' chirrens!"